Remember when we were kids (yeah, I know that seems like forever ago!) and we’d go to our grandparent’s house for the holidays? Did your grandparents play solitaire, gin rummy, or do crossword puzzles and try to teach you? Yeah kids, that was the fun your parents had at grandma and grandpa’s house! No TV, movies, and cell phones. We learned and played old school games and we actually enjoyed every moment. Well, I think I found a website that I swear my grandmother could have developed herself if she was still around and had to share it with you all! A free old school game jackpot… is a jackpot of all sorts of classic card and strategy games. Everything from Sudoku, Spider Solitaire, Word Search, Crosswords, Hearts, and more! They even have Minesweeper, a classic strategy game I played back on my Windows 95 PC (yes, I’m aging myself now). Do Windows PCs even come with Minesweeper anymore? I guess I haven’t checked (or played based on the screenshot below) for a few years now…LOL! Now I can have my nostalgia without an app to download, no membership to subscribe to, no data mining, and no credit card info needed ever. Just a full library of all my favorite old school games and more that I’ve never even heard of.

What I love most about is that everything is free, there are no ads to get in the way, and the games all load super fast. For every game they have on their site, there are also detailed instructions on how to play, how the game is scored, and the history of the game which the nerd in me loves. It reminds me of how my grandparents used to teach me everything about a game before we could even start playing it. From strategy tips to even tutorial videos, anyone can become a master of Freecell, Pyramid, Mahjong, and more!
The best part about is that their games are safe and fun for all ages! Teaching kids about classic Solitaire to games like Minesweeper build their strategy and problem-solving skills. Looking for free games your kids can play online? Check out my other blog post about another great resource for fun and even educational games safe for kids of any age to play by clicking here!